Ship’s Log

Passage Back to the Pacific NW

March 17th, 2024 by Marilyn | Comments Off on Passage Back to the Pacific NW

Passage Back to the Pacific NW

Rainshadow has done another long passage, this time from Hawaii back to the Pacific Northwest. The most common question we get is, why sail her back across the North Pacific to where we already spent so many years cruising?

Getting a 49 y.o. boat ready for a passage

March 13th, 2023 by Marilyn | Comments Off on Getting a 49 y.o. boat ready for a passage

Getting a 49 y.o. boat ready for a passage

Rainshadow has undergone a refit while moored in our current Hawaii homeport. But Hilo is where wind goes to die so it’s past time for Rainshadow to have a new homeport, which means another passage.

How a 42 y.o. Nic 38 faired crossing the East Pacific

May 26th, 2017 by Marilyn | Comments Off on How a 42 y.o. Nic 38 faired crossing the East Pacific

How a 42 y.o. Nic 38 faired crossing the East Pacific

Rainshadow safely took us on our first passage from the Seattle area to Hilo Hawaii, but not without some failures. Here’s the list of things that broke while we were underway.  [Editor’s note Dec 2022: I have updated this original posting with how we addressed each failure.]

2016 Passage to Hawaii: Days 20-28

May 26th, 2017 by Marilyn | Comments Off on 2016 Passage to Hawaii: Days 20-28

2016 Passage to Hawaii: Days 20-28

This is the final segment about the saga of our first passage. Short version is – we made it. Long version is told here.

2016 Passage to Hawaii: Days 10-19

December 5th, 2016 by Marilyn | Comments Off on 2016 Passage to Hawaii: Days 10-19

2016 Passage to Hawaii: Days 10-19

At this point in the passage, we are in the Horse Latitudes – that is between 30-40 N. Exhaustion is really setting in, and we are not jovial.

2016 Passage to Hawaii – Days 0-9

November 21st, 2016 by Marilyn | Comments Off on 2016 Passage to Hawaii – Days 0-9

2016 Passage to Hawaii – Days 0-9

We finally did it! We made the “Left Turn” that sailors in Puget Sound talk about over beers with fellow sailors, and while sitting at home poring over old Pilot Charts and Jimmy Cornell’s World Cruising Routes. That “Left Turn” means we sailed to Neah Bay at the west end of the Strait of Juan […]

Repairs and Updates Spring 2016

November 21st, 2016 by Marilyn | Comments Off on Repairs and Updates Spring 2016

Repairs and Updates Spring 2016

For months as we considered our upcoming passage from Seattle to Hilo, we worked on a list of things that HAD to be done before we set off. The list varied in size throughout the spring, but once we reached the boat, pragmatism and schedule reduced the list to a more manageable size. Here is […]

Southeast Alaska Cruise Summer 2015

October 24th, 2015 by Marilyn | 2 Comments

Southeast Alaska Cruise Summer 2015

Yes, we finally made it all the way to Southeast Alaska. We traveled through B.C. as fast as we could on the northbound trip, reaching the Alaskan border in 3 weeks – we cleared US customs on June 21st.

B.C. Cruising 2014

April 4th, 2015 by Marilyn | Comments Off on B.C. Cruising 2014

B.C. Cruising 2014

This was an odd cruising year because we split our summer cruise into two pieces so we could spend July as landlubbers with our families. It meant we meandered during our cruises rather than having a destination – as if we ever do have a destination, but this year was even more meandering than usual.

BC Summer Cruise 2013

October 12th, 2013 by Marilyn | Comments Off on BC Summer Cruise 2013

BC Summer Cruise 2013

We had a delightful summer cruise – another 1500-something mile journey along the British Columbia coast. Each year we gain more comfort with living on the boat, and each year we wish to go further than the summer weather window allows us to go.

Summer Cruise 2012

October 1st, 2012 by Marilyn | Comments Off on Summer Cruise 2012

Summer Cruise 2012

Summer 2012 was a great 3 month trip along the central BC coast, travelling 1500 miles in all. It was the summer of many firsts.

Cruising the South Coast of British Columbia – Late Summer 2011

October 7th, 2011 by Marilyn | Comments Off on Cruising the South Coast of British Columbia – Late Summer 2011

Cruising the South Coast of British Columbia – Late Summer 2011

The Pacific Northwest is fantastic cruising grounds. Many people say this, but prior to spending 6 weeks cruising the south coast of British Columbia, I didn’t really understand what they meant.  Here’s my version of what it’s like to be on a sailboat in these protected waters during late August, September and early October.

San Juans and Gulf Islands – 2011 South Coast BC

October 7th, 2011 by Marilyn | Comments Off on San Juans and Gulf Islands – 2011 South Coast BC

San Juans and Gulf Islands – 2011 South Coast BC

In my mind, the San Juan and Gulf island groups are similar, though the San Juans are in the US and the Gulf Islands are in Canada.

Strait of Georgia – 2011 South BC Coast Trip

October 7th, 2011 by Marilyn | Comments Off on Strait of Georgia – 2011 South BC Coast Trip

Strait of Georgia – 2011 South BC Coast Trip

The Strait of Georgia is about 140 long (stretching NW to SE) and about 20 miles wide.  Unlike in the island groups, there are not many convenient anchorages available, so you must travel some distance between overnight stops. If the wind kicks up there are big waves and swells, so this is an area where […]

Johnstone Strait – 2011 South Coast BC Trip

October 7th, 2011 by Marilyn | Comments Off on Johnstone Strait – 2011 South Coast BC Trip

Johnstone Strait – 2011 South Coast BC Trip

The typical summer weather forecast for Johnstone Strait is “Strong wind warning. Light wind, becoming NW 15-25 knots in the afternoon and building to NW 25-35 in the evening.” I guess most days there is a chance that a strong onshore flow will be funneled down the ~80 mile long strait. The resulting waves can […]

Broughtons – 2011 South Coast BC Trip

October 7th, 2011 by Marilyn | Comments Off on Broughtons – 2011 South Coast BC Trip

Broughtons – 2011 South Coast BC Trip

Once you reach the Broughtons, you no longer feel like your sailing in someone’s backyard. This island group is dominated by nature, with the occasional human settlement.

Desolation Sound – 2011 South Coast BC Trip

October 7th, 2011 by Marilyn | Comments Off on Desolation Sound – 2011 South Coast BC Trip

Desolation Sound – 2011 South Coast BC Trip

We hid in the Desolation Sound area for more than a week while a series of intense low pressure systems repeatedly caused storm force and hurricane force winds on the central coast. Because Desolation Sound is 100 miles or more from the central coast, we mostly just experienced gusty wind and some heavy rain – […]

Family Sailing Adventures

August 17th, 2011 by Marilyn | Comments Off on Family Sailing Adventures

Family Sailing Adventures

My Dad, the Midwest farmer, just visited for 2 weeks. We had lots of adventures associated with Rainshadow.

Short Trip to San Juans

June 30th, 2011 by Marilyn | Comments Off on Short Trip to San Juans

Short Trip to San Juans

This has been a funny season so far. In our wintertime dreams, we planned to leave in May to head north. But one thing after another has held us up (some of it was work related so a reasonable excuse). When a friend from NYC called and said – “hey, we’re in Friday Harbor for […]

Awaiting Spring

April 24th, 2011 by Marilyn | Comments Off on Awaiting Spring

Awaiting Spring

It’s been a long cold and wet winter. Finally, the 3rd week of April has had some reasonable sailing weather – good wind and not-so-cold temperatures (mid 50’s F). So we took Rainshadow out for a day sail, and had a wonderful time.

End of Summer Cruise

October 10th, 2010 by Marilyn | Comments Off on End of Summer Cruise

End of Summer Cruise

This cruise was special, not only because it was the end of summer cruise with great fall weather, but because it was the first trip of our new sails – yes, that’s right. Rainshadow has a new set of skirts!

August Crewed Trip to the San Juans

August 28th, 2010 by Marilyn | 1 Comment

August Crewed Trip to the San Juans

My last posting ended with a question – will our guest crew turn out to be lubberly or salty? After nearly a week in the San Juans, the answer is – Jonathan, Lianne, Chris and Max all get high marks as sailors!

August Crew Has Arrived!

August 7th, 2010 by Marilyn | Comments Off on August Crew Has Arrived!

August Crew Has Arrived!

Our dear friends from the UK have arrived to join us for summer fun during the month of August. Too bad the weather is a bit grey and dodgy, but maybe it will improve.

Second Trip to the San Juan Islands

July 27th, 2010 by Marilyn | 1 Comment

Second Trip to the San Juan Islands

This summer got off to a slow start. Anyone from the PNW can tell you the weather was rotten till early July. And I made the mistake

A Week in the San Juan Islands

June 2nd, 2010 by Marilyn | Comments Off on A Week in the San Juan Islands

A Week in the San Juan Islands

We’re just back from 8 days of sailing in the San Juan Islands. It was a fantastic voyage, and full of ‘firsts’! Okay, okay, the weather just stunk. Heavy rain, grey skies, 50ish F. What happened to that nice weather of a couple weeks ago?

Our first overnight trip

May 9th, 2010 by Marilyn | Comments Off on Our first overnight trip

Our first overnight trip

Finally – the weather was right, we had time to go, and the boat was ready. And it wasn’t a Friday – you know it’s bad luck to start a trip on a Friday, as we found out when we tried an overnight a while back and our alternator failed. So this time we left […]

Some day there will be some good wind…

April 22nd, 2010 by Marilyn | 1 Comment

Some day there will be some good wind…

We are really keen to take Rainshadow out for a good sail. Today looked promising, after a few days of grey drizzle.

Ready to go… maybe not

April 17th, 2010 by Marilyn | Comments Off on Ready to go… maybe not

Ready to go… maybe not

Yesterday, we were all set for our first overnight cruise. The engine was running, Van was ready to cast off the docking lines. He was telling me the plan, but I was preoccupied. “Are you listening to me?” he asked.

First Solo Sail

March 6th, 2010 by Marilyn | 1 Comment

First Solo Sail

We’re having lovely late winter weather – sunny 50ish degree days, and a decent north wind, just like in summer (though its 20-30 F warmer then!) So finally, after nearly 4 months of boat ownership, we took our boat out for a proper sail – alone.

What do you on your boat in the winter?

January 31st, 2010 by Marilyn | Comments Off on What do you on your boat in the winter?

What do you on your boat in the winter?

People are starting to ask what’s happening with the boat, so I figured I better make a new post.

Rainshadow’s Arrival

November 26th, 2009 by Marilyn | 1 Comment

Rainshadow’s Arrival

Thanksgiving day meant more this year, as this was the day that the wind cooperated so we could bring Rainshadow to her new home. Full crew included: Van the captain, Marilyn the favorite mate, Damien the deckhand and Luke the college-student-home-for-the-holidays swabbie. Sid & Stephanie, Rainshadow’s former owners, came down to the docks for some […]

Purchase Closing Date

November 12th, 2009 by Marilyn | Comments Off on Purchase Closing Date

Purchase Closing Date

Today, the deal to purchase Rainshadow is officially closed. We now are boat owners again.

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